Google Map Implementation in Real Device.

Google Map Implementation in Real Device.

Obtaining a Maps API key

 To apply for a key, you need to follow the series of steps outlined below. You can also refer to Google's detailed documentation on the process 


 For deploying to a real Android device

In command prompt......

E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23\bin>keytool -v -list -keystore

"Drive E:\Folder\key" -storepass <Enter Password while Export the App> -keypass <Enter Password while Export the App>


After that you will get MD5 Key---

Now open your browser and go to the following url...

Use any gmail account for getting the xml...



Use this xml in your layout for getting map...

Java class should extend mapactivty

Use Internet permission

use    <uses-library android:name="" />   inside application tag.


Add Zoom Controls to a Map

The correct method is setBuiltInZoomControls.

MapView map = (MapView)findViewById(;

This will put the zoom controls in the bottom-center of the screen.

Note: your zoom controls only show up when you touch the screen, so you have to make sure that the map is clickable. Thus:

                 android:apiKey="your key" />
